The main interest of the SysTox group is to develop innovative computational methods and tools, and applied them in the area of toxicology. SysTox works mainly with network science, systems biology and artificial intelligence.
Research Interest
How does toxicology deal with this complex reality today?
The vision of the SysTox group, part of Inserm UMRS 1124, is to develop innovative tools and to use computational models, that offer a great alternative approach to animal testing for a better understanding of the adverse health effects from exposure. SysTox leads and is involved in several French and European projects, such as H2020 Oberon and the Horizon PARC projects (for more information, please visit systox.u-paris-sciences.fr).
Bioinformatic tools
We develop and apply integrative systems biology & bioinformatics methods to explore and predict the complexity of biological systems on both integrative and systemic levels. We work with several bioinformatics axes, particularly 1) in the analysis of metabolomics, transcriptomics and multi-omics data (R software and python), 2) in the generation of predictive biological networks (using Cytoscape).
The main area of interest being within toxicology, we are also strongly involved in the development of Adverses Outcome Pathways (AOP). We recently created an innovative tool based on artificial intelligence, combining text mining and graph theory. This tool, called AOP-helpFinder, is now worldwide recognized (at the OECD level as third party tool for ex.).
One of our main goal is to make freely available the tools we develop to the scientific communities. Therefore, several websites were recently created: (AOP-helpFinder, AOP4EUpest, ReadEDtest) with the goal to help researchers.
Bioinformaticians in the group
Currently the SysTox group is composed of several people with bioinformatic expertises : Karine Audouze (PR UPCité and SysTox group leader), MinJi Kim (MCF, University Sorbonne), Florence Jornod (IE UPCité), Patricia Jeannin (IR Inserm),Thomas Jaylet (PhD student), Thibaut Coustillet (IE UPCité), Thibault Crouzet (IE Inserm), Théo Jamay (IE Inserm) and Antoine Giradon (IE Inserm).