Research Interest

We strive to gain a clear understanding of the profound epigenetic consequences of DNA methylation in a window of development, which occurs in the first week of mouse embryogenesis, and the second of human, but the repercussions of which can ripple throughout life.

Bioinformatic tools

We employ standard high-throughput sequencing tools to analyze a variety of data generated in the lab, including RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN, CUT&TAG, whole genome bisulphite sequencing, and HiChIP. Tools include but are not limited to: STAR, Bowtie2, HiC-Pro, HiChipper, HiC explorer, Bismark, Bedtools, Deeptools2, PicardTools, MEA, Trimmomatic, BBMap, VisRseq, etc. We also enjoy visualizing and sharing data using the UCSC Genome Browser.

Bioinformaticians in the team

Everyone in the lab is gaining confidence in Bash to run basic pipelines developed by Julien Richard Albert, the bioinformatician in the lab.